Apple unveiled the Apple Watch Series 3 on Tuesday. It’s the latest Apple Watch, and its big new feature is that it adds cellular connectivity, which allows users to send messages and receive phone calls even when an iPhone isn’t nearby. The number is the same number that you use on an iPhone, Apple said. […]
Read morePresident Donald Trump on Tuesday played down the importance of tough new sanctions against North Korea approved by the U.N. Security Council, calling them “not a big deal,” and “nothing compared to ultimately what will have to happen.” Appearing at the White House with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, Trump praised the Asian country for […]
Read moreThe Campaign Legal Center is urging Facebook to release the content of political ads purchased by Russian nationals and displayed on Facebook, most notably during the 2016 presidential campaign cycle. CNBC obtained an advance copy of a letter sent Tuesday to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg from CLC President Trevor Potter. The nonprofit watchdog group accuses […]
Read moreSlack, the messaging app that’s exploded inside companies, is now focused on making it easier for users to collaborate with people at other businesses. On Tuesday, Slack introduced a feature called shared channels. CEO Stewart Butterfield told CNBC in an interview that it’s the most important thing the company has released since the Slack app […]
Read moreFamed short-seller Jim Chanos told CNBC on Tuesday he is still short on Tesla. “We’ve been pretty accurate on most of the things we’ve said about the company — not the stock, certainly — although, SolarCity was an exception to that,” the founder and managing partner of Kynikos Associates said on “Halftime Report” at the […]
Read moreApple is hosting an event on Tuesday and is expected to release one of the most highly anticipated iPhones yet, likely featuring a more colorful screen and a redesigned body with sensors that detect a user’s face. The launch also marks the public debut of the Steve Jobs Theater on Apple’s new 175-acre campus. The […]
Read moreCurrency, United States Finance
Nothing formally agreed on moving next round of Brexit talks: UK PM May's spokeswoman
Nothing has been formally agreed with the European Union on moving the next round of Brexit negotiations, British Prime Minister Theresa May‘s spokeswoman said on Tuesday. Earlier, diplomats in Brussels said the EU and Britain had agreed to delay the talks by a week to Sept. 25 on expectations that May would make an important […]
Read moreGiving President Donald Trump credit for the strength of the U.S. stock market is a “stretch,” said hedge fund manager Jim Chanos, a noted short seller. Global equities are experiencing a “synchronized bull market,” fueled by years of the easy money policies of world central banks, he told CNBC’s “Fast Money Halftime Report” on Tuesday. […]
Read moreApple is expected to launch three new iPhones at its brand new Apple Park campus today. The widely anticipated Apple event, known to draw rock concert-like crowds, will be the first event held at Steve Jobs theater and is the first time the “Spaceship Campus” welcomes press and VIP outsiders. Over 40 years after the […]
Read moreApple invited the press to its new campus, Apple Park, for the first time on Tuesday. It’s where Apple will show off its latest iPhones, but it’s also a gorgeous new campus and includes a brand-new facility called the Steve Jobs Theater. Source: Tech CNBC Here is the gorgeous new building Apple built just for […]
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